viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

La Ruta del Agua/ The Water Course Way

Encuentra más videos como éste en ...livre i natural...

el texto que describe la ruta del agua aparecera pronto

description to follow soon...

El curso de la naturaleza es Tao
como el agua el gran Tao fluye
en todas las direcciones
a la izquierda y a la derecha
ama y nutre todas las cosas
pero jamas reina sobre ellas

el agua fluye sin fin,
el agua no tiene miedo de
alcanzar ningun lugar peligroso
o de caer al vacio,no existe nada que
le haga perder su esencia inmutable.

bajo todas las circunstancias
permanece ecuanime en su naturaleza,
de todas las cosas que pueden tomar forma
en este mundo, el agua es la mas honorable

... bajo todas las circunstancias nosotros seres
humanos podemos comportarnos como el agua
ajustandonos a todos los requerimientos externos
siempre manteniendo nuestra esencia inmodificable

Comentario de Richard Wilhem

The course of nature Tao
The great Tao flows everywhere,
to the left and to the right,
It loves and nourishes all things,
but does not lord it over them.

The water endlessly flows and fills, up to a certain limit, the corners it is flowing through; the water is not "afraid" of any dangerous place, of any "falling" and there is nothing making it lose its essence. Under all circumstances, it remains equal to its nature.

... under all circumstances, one should behave like the water, one should adjust to the requirements of the outer reality, keeping safe his/her unchangeable essence/true nature
in the meantime

Commentary from: Richard Wilhelm

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

El proceso de reforestacion / Reforestation Process

Estos ultimos dias se han concentrado esfuerzos en labores de reforestacion en la ribera de la quebrada natauta, asi como en algunos de los ojos de agua con que cuenta este corredor ecologico. Proteger las fuentes de agua es parte fundamental del proyecto de conservacion que estamos adelantando, en total fueron 50 varas de una especie nativa conocida como Nacedero-Cajeto (trichantera gigantera), este arbol crece a una altitud entre 0 - 2000 mts a nivel del mar, con temperaturas entre 19- 24 centigrados, el nacedero es un inductor en procesos de restauracion de bosques secundarios y proteccion de fuentes de agua. El nacedero es un arbol multiproposito ya que ademas sus hojas sirven como forraje para cerdos y gallinas y tambien cuenta con propiedades medicinales para controlar el peso, reducir la tension arterial y aliviar los dolores causados por el reumatismo,

he aqui un registro documental de la experiencia

These last days we have been working on restocking with native species the area near natauta creek, as well as planting more beneficial species near the water sources that run beneath the earth. This is part of an effort to collect experiences about multipurpose trees. We planted 50 pieces of Nacedero (Trichanthera gigantea) an incredible tree. For instance leaves are readily consumed by pigs and poultry, it also has medicinal properties for weight control, high blood pressure and rheumatism, multipurpose trees are considered to be an essential feature of agricultural production systems for sustainable rural development, worth mentioning that
" one of the the advantages of planting trees in a tropical setting is the quicker growth rate due to the longer rainy seasons".

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

On a day like today... journal entry by Mar

I wake up at 6:30, I know because I have a clock on the phone,turn the flashlight on and looked at it. it is time to take away the laziness from me and Fortuna the dog that just sleeps by my feet... I wake up happy to see the blue sky ... it's a clear day ... pick the bed up and extend it to the sun, the sleeping bag looks like a checkered flag, as is my Tartan ... jeje Coleman brand.

Go to the kitchen and prepare the food, a measure of wheat and corn and fresh water for the hens so good that was crushed last night ... quickly i go to the mountain to watch the early sun, i look at it firmly ... this heliotherapy has had an effect on me, nowdays i can see better. i say hello to the fruit trees and check to see if there are any guavas and oranges ready to be pick up ... (ummm they are all green .. buuu LOL).. Pick firewood for the day and go down. Back home I start fire at the stove, now I took two minutes to turn it on yuhuuuu !!!... I fried eggs from the happy hens, hot rice that remained of the meal and make one “tintico” Juan Valdez, I serve the food to the dogs and we all sat down to breakfast. . Ricky is hurt in his eyebrow… the dog needs a cure… he says nothing!!!…Today cleanup includes removing the ash from the stove and now goes directly to the compost! Well, is that this process is starting to mix. I see the pumpkin plants and decided that these two are going to be transplanted; the garden can not fit more...the same with a papaya that is already too big. I go on planting tour and make a bed of peppers, tomatoes and ahuyamas in the back side, only to see how they will grow there. While coming back I think that all the aromatics should be planted near the house and decided to enable the sculp-plantera made of recycled hose that I did as a tribute to the re-use of the resource, and sow calendula, cilantro and basil there. I will finish it with the super sign "Herbs" with characters of all colors :) I hope they to grow a lot. I contemplate my artwork and I want to brush my teeth and then I feel like eating apple jelly made last night with oat flakes hmmm ... I love it, even with the taste of the toothpaste behind! jaja... Now I am ready for the stream! Pick up the workshop and run to Natautá, name of the stream that we are taking care of. ... After the first dip I remember the task and pick up a couple of stones for the path of the Guaduales, then I go play with Fortuna and pick some quartz stones that will make the ending path for the exit of the water we use… we give it back to earth as clean as we can! ♥♥♥♥ After I get clean with a biodegradable organic soap, I back home to get dressed ..I choose pink color for today ... ah! I remember that I have to fix the corset ... workshop!!... so also crochet a cord for blue dress, and sew the orange shorts. I was thirsty so I drink water of grains…. I am using in this version oats, flax, quinoa and cinnamon with panela, is definitely the healthiest beverage on earth. I also made aromatic water at the sun… they are super healing ... . Today: Sage.
Is time to sing, I will record the video of the song "somos" soon, and I rehearse for the unplugged with all my songs :) when I finish the weather remains very hot so I decided to read in the hammock. This book about the natural building and permaculture that was done in Bolsón, Argentina in 2005 is veeeery good.. I have learned a lot from there, I love to describe the experience as well ... is required reading for Latin American Permaculturists .... Already down the heat, I get hungry, I will start the fire to make spaghetti .. hmm.. hmm .. .. herbs sauce .. the onion is sweet:) I learned how to make it like that with Teddy. deliciousss !!!!!!!. . While I cook I will let the hens to be out and I'm going to stay around the house ... now there is a new place to watch: the plantera-aromatic-... jajajaja chickens are fun, you have to be around them taking care of the small plants . I give them the grains of the water to distract them from the new temptation. I'm drinking a fruit tea and I wait for the food and atmosphere to be cool to eat. ...While the hens walk down the sun, I am watering the gardens and the cambuche which now has three new seeds ... I love chard....I am going to see the transplanted plants in the mountains and they still survive, I give them water and blessing. I come back fast to shoo the chickens but they were close to the chicken run, so I proceed to put the plastic bags of the day inside the plastic bottle ... as we already have 10 made, with 5 more we can do a plantera. :) In this house there is waste, garbage doesn’t exist, NO! :)) I'm very proud of me!
I'm going to close the yard, because if the chickens are left out I can not leave tomorrow and I am going to Bogota to carry a certificate that they gave me in the Nocaima mayor's office. So I clean, and pick up everything in the kitchen, and while this candle is still alive I write my memoirs watching the list that throughout the day took place., I´ll do yoga with Fortuna and sleep watching the crescent moon that illuminates me from heaven ... beautiful day ...Today I saw some very blue birds for the first time ...